Family [F457]



John Campbell GREIG {M} [P1490] = Jane Clark Dickson MCGHEE {F} [P1492]

Married 20 Jun 1872, Milton Glasgow Lanark

John Campbell GREIG

Born EST 1852, Ardrossan Ayrs
SOURCE: Draper
John Greig is probably son to Robert Greig and Janet Lindsay F458- still to be proved.

Jane Clark Dickson MCGHEE

Alias Jane Clark Dickson GREIG
Born EST 1852, Ardrossan?


Robert Lindsay GREIG {M} [P1491]

Born 20 Feb 1873, Ardrossan Ayrs

Thomas Alexander McGhee GREIG {M} [P1493]

Born 31 Mar 1874, Ardrossan Ayrs
Died 19 Sep 1874, Princes Street Ardrossan
Greig Thomas Alexander McGhee Died - 19-09-1874 Princes St, Ardrossan son of John Greig

Margaret W B GREIG {M} [P1857]

Born 1879, Ardrossan Ayrs

Jane C GREIG {F} [P1858]

Born 1881, Cathcart Renfrew Sc.


Jane Clark Dickson McGhee married John Greig in Milton, Glasgow, Lanark on 20 June 1872.

1881 Census Place: Dwelling: May Thorn Villa Cathcart, Renfrew, Scotland. GRO Ref Volume 560 EnumDist 1 Page 21
Marr Age Sex Birthplace
John Campbell GREIG M 38 M Kilwinning, Ayr, Scotland Rel: Head Occ: Draper
Jane C.D.Mc G. GREIG M 31 F Dunoon, Argyll, Scotland Rel: Wife
Robert Lindsay GREIG 8 M Ardrossan, Ayr, Scotland Rel: Son Occ: Scholar
Thomas A.Mc G. GREIG 6 M Ardrossan, Ayr, Scotland Rel: Son
John G. GREIG 4 M Ardrossan, Ayr, Scotland Rel: Son
Margaret W.B. GREIG 2 F Ardrossan, Ayr, Scotland Rel: Daur
Jane C. GREIG 1 m F Cathcart, Renfrew, Scotland Rel: Daur
Mary L. JOHNSTONE M 65 F Kilwinning, Ayr, Scotland Rel: Visitor
Annie STEWART U 23 F Kilbarchan, Renfrew, Scotland Rel: Servant Occ: General Servant Domestic